Contact Us
- Have any general comments, concerns, or suggestions?
- Need more information on a specific topic?
- Need a venue to hold your next organization/club event?
Let us know! Give us your feedback!
Founded by the Lincoln Network Society and the Office of the President, The Women's Center at Lincoln University opened its doors on Thursday, January 23, 2003. The Women's Center provides resources, self-improvement workshops, support groups, and special programming.
Our goals are:
These goals are met through self-improvement workshops, educational programs and activities, peer education training, leadership development, and internships. Individual and group counseling services, available at the Counseling Center located in the Wellness Center Room 221
Let us know! Give us your feedback!
Thurgood Marshall Living Learning Center (LLC) C212
Lincoln University, PA 19352-0999
Hours: Monday - Friday by appointment
Telephone: 484-365-7839
Fax: 484-365-7808
Directory, Womxn's Center
Phone: 484-365-7807
Thurgood Marshall Living Learning Center (LLC) C212
Program Assistant, Womxn's Center
Phone: 484-365-7244
Thurgood Marshall Living Learning Center (LLC) C212